We offer a wide variety of events and programs to help foster and adoptive families and children in the community. Our programs are both family centered and child centered. We strive to cover a wide range of needs – all dedicated to providing resources and creating a supportive, faith-based network.
We provide foster and adoptive moms with fellowship and adult interaction while childcare is provided.
We honor foster parents with dinner or lunch, offer faith-based support and training, and provide fellowship for parents, all while child care is provided.
We partner with local businesses to provide the whole family with a fun (and free) experience and opportunity to make memories. Experiences have included bowling, mini golf, swimming, skating, the pumpkin patch, and more!
We partner with Pitt Naz Church in Pittsburg, Kansas to provide a clothing closet for foster, adoptive, respite, and police protective custody families. This is intended as a short term solution to help with a child’s needs upon entering into care until parents are able to get a longer-term supply of clothes and items a child may need.
Foster families occasionally need assistance with minor home improvements in order to become licensed as a foster family, or upon receiving an additional placement. Fostering Connections may be able to help with minor improvements such as fixing a window, adding smoke alarms/carbon monoxide detectors, and similar improvements.
Part of a child’s security and positive growth is in having a bed of their own. Through our Sleep in Safety program, foster families can submit an application on our website to receive a new twin size bed for a foster placement.
When a child enters into the foster home it can be an exciting time and also a hectic time adjusting to new changes and dynamics within the family. We want to send a restaurant gift card for a meal on Fostering Connections the first week of receiving a new placement.
We provide teens with a gift card for a shopping spree to a local apparel store immediately upon entering into care to purchase a new outfit. Through our community partnerships this is an effort to grow local business as well as build the teen’s confidence as they walk into a new school or environment.
We partner with local churches or businesses for children to have a night or day of fun, while foster/adoptive families get a much needed break. This gives foster/adoptive parents a chance to reconnect, and kids get a chance to have new experiences and socialize.
We fill bags with both essentials and toys to provide to children upon immediately entering into foster care. These bags are a blessing to many foster children, as they provide the child with things that are their own. Each bag is packed to give the child comfort and a bit of happiness as they enter a new environment.
We bless children in foster care in Southeast Kansas on their birthday. Each birthday gift includes a gift and handwritten note. We serve approximately 40-50 children in care each month through this program.
Each May, we receive a list of Seniors who will be graduating from high school. They receive a gift, gift certificate, and handwritten note from Fostering Connections.
We host events for teens to teach valuable life skills such as budgeting, cooking, job prep, goal setting and also provide an enjoyable teen-appropriate activity.
We provide Christmas gifts to children in foster care in Southeast Kansas. At our annual Christmas event, children are also able to make and take gifts for their family members.
We connect young adults ages 16-23 that are aging out of Foster Care system with a family. The Anchor Family Mentorship Program is designed to provide teens and young adults from challenging backgrounds with the support and care they need to thrive.
We’d love to answer any questions you might have about our programs. Together we can make a difference for foster and adoptive families in southeast Kansas.