Purchase Tickets for the 2023 Flannel & Spice Soiree Here

Make an Impact

Get Involved with Supporting Foster and Adoptive Families

We believe patterns and thinking cycles can be changed with a positive mentor in a child’s life, or through the positive influence of a quality foster family.  Not all children in foster care have behavior problems.  Many just need to see what love and a functional family looks like. We can all show love to these children and change one life at a time.  There are many ways you can help if you are unable to foster at this time.  

fostering connections merchandise

How can you help?

There are a variety of ways to support local children in foster care and their families. Not everyone is called to foster or adopt, but we can all do something. Fostering Connections helps interested individuals and families connect to those in need, showing them how to use their time, skills, or resources to bless a child in care.

Volunteer at Events

We are looking for volunteers to help with childcare, snacks, crafts, check in, or clean up. We will welcome you and your friends/family/co-workers to be a part of our volunteer team. Fostering Connections hosts special events designed to strengthen the relationships within the family, and we cannot do this without amazing volunteers.

Be a Fostering Friend

We are looking for “Fostering Friends” who may not be able to foster, but might be willing to check in on a foster family weekly, help with a meal, pick up clothes they might need for a child from the Caring Closet, run a quick errand, or simply send an encouraging text when they have had a rough week. Fostering can be a lonely journey and we don’t want foster families to walk alone.

Organize a Fundraiser

We are always looking for ways to bring positive promotion to Fostering Connections throughout the year. Please let us know if you have an idea for partnership through an event or fundraiser.

Pack VIP Kids Bags

Make a VIP bag for a child or for children that come into care to bring them hope and comfort during a time of trauma. Bags can be made at any time throughout the year. See our VIP bag information page to learn how to pack a bag.

Give Financially

Donations to Fostering Connections support families and children with faith-based care and events.

Consider Adoption

There are many Kansas kids waiting to be adopted. They are in need of their forever home. We would love to help support your family after an adoption. Learn more about children waiting to be adopted here.


Fostering Connections relies on the financial support of individuals like you to continue our mission of providing resources to foster children and families.  While it is true foster families are reimbursed by the state, the funds come nowhere close to cover all the expenses required to raise a foster child in their home.  It’s common for foster families to feel financially unable or have to watch the children in their care go without things.  Our goal is to have a fund for these types of needs.

Ready to Take the Next Step?

Volunteer at Events

If you would like to become part of the Fostering Connections family or have any questions, please fill out the form below to get started. One of our team members will reach out to you to answer any questions you may have, and help you find the right place for you to get plugged in.

Partner with Us

Whether you are interested in becoming a community partner with Fostering Connections or just want more information, please fill out the form below.  We are excited to work with you to create a unique partnership program that works best for you!